Stroke & Brain Injury
For rehabilitation after stroke or acquired brain injury (ABI), we offer one-to-one sessions and group classes with a physiotherapist.
At River East Physiotherapy, treatment of stroke and ABI is based on the concept of neuroplasticity.
Neuroplasticity refers to how the brain can change - it has a certain amount of ability to “re-wire” after an injury. That means after a stroke or brain injury, you have the ability to re-learn normal movement.
While it is easier to learn normal movement patterns immediately after stroke or ABI, anyone can learn and improve, regardless of when their injury occurred. How much recovery you achieve depends on the brain injury itself, and on the work that you put into it. That means you will practice, practice, practice your physiotherapy homework!
Each client will have unique goals. For example, if you have had a severe stroke, perhaps your goal is to sit by yourself without falling, or transfer to your wheelchair more easily. If you have had a milder stroke, then your goal might be to walk without a walker.
We offer one-to-one treatment sessions geared towards each specific client’s needs and goals. Each client will receive an exercise program to continue to help work towards goals at home. And if you are experiencing pain related to your stroke or acquired brain injury, our physiotherapists have a wide range of techniques and tools for drug-free pain relief.
All of our physiotherapists provide rehabilitation after a stroke or brain injury. Plus, our physiotherapist Dana Bubenko has completed advanced, post-graduate training in post-stroke treatment with the Neuro-Developmental Treatment Association (referred to as "NDT" in the physiotherapy community).
You can move better starting today! If you are unsure if physiotherapy for post-stroke and brain injury is right for you, call us now for a free 15-minute phone consultation with a physiotherapist.
Our clinic also offers physiotherapy for Parkinson's disease, concussion (a mild traumatic brain injury), and other nerve/neurological conditions. Learn more about our services here.
NEW! Watch our video on tips to walk better after stroke:
Read our blog post on why you CAN improve, long after your stroke: