Virtual Physiotherapy

Prefer not to visit our clinic in-person?

We're still here for you!  You can now connect to our physiotherapists by phone or video call, from the comfort of your home, workplace, or wherever you are.  Also called virtual physiotherapy, this can be great if you:

  • Live far from our clinics,
  • Have physiotherapy goals that are easier to achieve outside the clinic (such as work tasks, sport skills that require equipment at your gym, or tasks that must get done around your home).
  • Don't want to travel to see us (such as during a snowstorm or school closure)
  • Are sick at home, or
  • Have dependents who need you to stay home (e.g. sick children or parents),


"Virtual physiotherapy" means a phone or video call

We use Physitrack - a secure healthcare platform for video calls.  It's just like video chatting with someone over FaceTime, WhatsApp, or Zoom, except it's more secure and designed for physiotherapy.  If you'd prefer a lower tech approach, a simple phone call can work too.

What will the session be like?

During your virtual physiotherapy session, by video or by phone, a physiotherapist can provide:

  • a provisional diagnosis (their initial impression of your condition);
  • education on your condition; and
  • a management plan.

For example, a management plan could include a home exercise program and other advice on what to do (and not to do) at home.  You physiotherapist can monitor your progress and help you achieve your goals as quickly as possible.

On a video call, we can assess how you're moving, teach you exercises, and demonstrate self-care techniques.  We can even teach your family members, or others in your household, how to assist you.

What technology do you need?

To do a video call with us, you'll need a computer, a smart phone or a tablet. 

If you're using a computer, you'll need to use Firefox or Google Chrome as your browser.  If you're using a smart phone or tablet, you'll need to download the PhysiApp.  

Read more here about how to prepare for your call.

Right at the time of your appointment, watch your email.  You'll receive a link by email from your physiotherapist.  Just click the link, provide your consent to proceed, and you'll be connected with your physiotherapist.

Is it right for you?

There are so many injuries and conditions that can be treated by virtual physiotherapy.  For example, joint injuries, back pain, neck pain, complex pain, arthritis, and Parkinson's Disease can all be treated effectively with virtual physiotherapy.  And many conditions will benefit from a combination of in-person visits and virtual sessions.

A virtual physiotherapy session often fits nicely as part of an in-person physiotherapy treatment plan.  For example, in the clinic your physiotherapist can provide hands-on therapeutic techniques, drug-free pain relief techniques, and teach you how to do your exercises in person.  Then after a few weeks, you can do a virtual session from your gym or home, so they can watch you do your exercises in your "real" life - where it really matters to you.  

Virtual physiotherapy is also good for asking your physiotherapist questions.  Or you many need them to motivate you at home - don't we all need help with motivation sometimes?

Not sure if it's right for you?  Call us to set up a free 15-minute phone consultation with one of our physiotherapists.  

Does insurance cover virtual physiotherapy?

Virtual physiotherapy is covered by most health insurance companies, including Manitoba Public Insurance, the Worker's Compensation Board, Great West Life, Blue Cross, Sun Life, Green Shield, and more.  Check with your insurance provider to confirm it's covered by your particular plan.  Learn more about insurance coverage here.