You CAN Get Better After Stroke

You CAN Get Better After Stroke

By Dana Bubenko, Physiotherapist

Why do people think they can’t get better after stroke?

This has been my question lately. I see people walking down the street or in the store who have had strokes, and think it’s a shame they don’t come and see me, because I can help them!

Current beliefs in the medical system may tell you that recovery after stroke is limited to the first three months. So you might think 'if I’ve passed the three-month window, there's no point in getting physiotherapy'. This is wrong - it is based on an outdated view of neuroplasticity and stroke rehabilitation.

Recovery Continues After 3 Months, Just More Slowly

The first three to six months after a stroke is the period of the most rapid improvement, as the brain is naturally repairing itself. But it's important to know: recovery does not stop at this point, it simply slows down. Neuroplasticity continues throughout life! You might never walk "normally" after stroke, but you can certainly learn to walk better with less effort, and your leg and arm can improve in function, well past the three-month window.

Invest in Yourself

Many people stop receiving therapy after a few months due to the limitations of government funding, or insurance funding. Finances can certainly be an issue that limits access to stroke rehabilitation. But even if you have gone through a public rehabilitation program which has ended, this does not mean that you have no more potential to improve.

So even if you only have 3 or 4 physiotherapy visits left on your insurance plan, use them! If you come to see me for therapy I will give you a comprehensive home program so that you can continue to work on your skills at home. I also offer group classes to work on strengthening and movement skills in a more affordable setting, if finances are limited or insurance has run out.

Learn more about Group classes for neurological rehabilitation - CLICK HERE.

If you are in the happy circumstance where finances are not an issue, what are you waiting for? Every post-stroke person who has walked through my door has improved their movement and walking. Now I do not promise "normal" to anyone, but improvement, definitely!

The take home message is this: significant recovery can and does happen months to years after a stoke, especially with targeted rehabilitation and persistance practice of movement. So don’t limit yourself!

If you have any questions please feel free to call the clinic and we can schedule a FREE 15-min phone conversation, to make sure physiotherapy for post-stroke is right for you.