Return to Work

Our return-to-work program is an enhanced medical rehabilitation program. Each program is customized to the patient and their specific work demands. That means we get patients back to their work as quickly, safely and effectively as possible.

Programs include a wide range of physiotherapy treatments, including pain relief techniques and exercise. Every program includes a graduated physical return to work plan.


Our assessments include functional testing that is job-specific.  This tells us how close the patient's current function is to the level required for their job. We repeat testing on a regular basis (mid-program or monthly for extended programs) to monitor each patient's progress.


Physiotherapy treatment aims to reduce the pain, inflammation and muscle spasm that is preventing the patient from doing their job effectively.  We also provide guided exercise programs, to help ensure patients can do the movements they need to do for work, and for life.  Other treatments may include hands-on treatment ("manual therapy"), low-level laser therapy, acupuncture, dry needling, heat/ice, electrotherapy, ultrasound, and traction.


Our physiotherapists work closely with case managers and doctors, including reports, meetings, and phone calls as appropriate.  We provide detailed reports:

  • upon functional assessment,
  • mid-program, or monthly on extended programs, and
  • on discharge.

Attendance & Sessions

Patient attendance is set in the patient's return to work plan, in collaboration with the patient. Usually, patients attend three to five times a week until they have either achieved their functional goals or reached a plateau.

Sessions usually last two and a half hours.  Sessions include:

  • Exercise conditioning specific to job demands;
  • Gym workouts focusing on endurance, strength, flexibility, and/or aerobic training;
  • Pain management techniques and education on injury prevention; 
  • Worksite/home exercise programs.

Selection Criteria  

Are our return-to-work programs right for you, your client, or your staff member?  People appropriate for our return-to-work programs: 

  • Require physiotherapy treatments to reduce inflammation, muscle spasm and/or joint restrictions;
  • Have physically demanding jobs;
  • Demonstrate they are ready for a progressive physical program at their assessment screening; and
  • Would benefit from:
    • Functional re-conditioning,
    • Worksite/home exercise, and
    • Re-injury prevention training.

Functional Reconditioning

“Functional" describes a very specific program of assessment, treatment and conditioning exercises to match a persons physical work tasks so they can return safely to their job after injury.

Insurance companies and employers use our enhanced four, six or eight week return to work programs. If patients attend daily, this increases the chance they achieve their strength and endurance goals. Patients workout in our gym and work stations for lifting, pushing, carrying, etc.

These programs are a perfect fit for a gradual return to the patient's actual work environment.

We can conduct a very detailed one or two day evaluation, to measure exactly what the body can or cannot do. This is valuable information for patients, their doctors and case managers who need to know the patient's current functional abilities, during or after their healing plateaus.

For more information about our return-to-work programs and/or functional reconditioning, please contact our Clinic Manager at 204-982-9191.