Introduction to Pain Care

Physiotherapy in Winnipeg for Pain Care

Almost everyone will experience some type of physical pain - pain is actually an important body function.  When it's working properly, pain protects us from hurting ourselves.  For example, feeling pain when touching a hot element on a stove allows us to quickly pull our hand away and prevent a burn.

Despite its helpful function, persistent pain can be difficult to deal with.  Whether it is neck pain, back pain or muscle pain, all can be extremely debilitating if not treated appropriately.  

Physiotherapists are experts in drug-free pain relief.  We have a wide range of tools and techniques to reduce and eliminate pain, including:

  • Acupuncture
  • Dry Needling
  • Exercise
  • Complex Pain Education
  • Hands-on techniques
  • Electrotherapy, such as TENS and ultrasound, and
  • Education on what to do and not to do to reduce your pain.

If you're living in pain, say enough is enough.  Stop living with the pain and to start living life to the fullest again. 

Speak to one of our physiotherapists to get the help you deserve, now.  We also provide FREE 15-minute phone consultations with a physiotherapist, to make sure physiotherapy is right for you.